”Someday” - David Levithan (Every Day #3)

A trecut mai bine de o lună de la apariția continuării romanului ”Every day” (”Zi după zi”). Și cum cu greu rezist noilor tentații, ”Someday” a învins abia acum. Am fost oarecum nerăbdătoare de lectură, ținând cont că primele două cărți și ulterior filmul mi-au plăcut. O poveste surprinzătoare de la primul contact, a menținut ritmul până la final, Someday dezvăluind micile secrete care au creat o lume nevăzută, plină de iubire dar și pericole, în care sufletul, indiferent de formă, primează. 

Dacă ați citit deja povestea lui Rhiannon și a lui A, este musai să continuați călătoria. Iar pentru cine nu a descoperit încă fantasticul lui David Levithan, nu este prea târziu. Filmul, de asemenea, este un bun companion, dar pentru misterul total aveți nevoie de cărți.

Every day, Another day și film - aici.


Every day a new body. Every day a new life. Every day a new choice.

For as long as A can remember, life has meant waking up in a different person's body every day, forced to live as that person until the day ended. A always thought there wasn't anyone else who had a life like this.

But A was wrong. There are others.

A has already been wrestling with powerful feelings of love and loneliness. Now comes an understanding of the extremes that love and loneliness can lead to -- and what it's like to discover that you are not alone in the world.

After their ”breakup”, Rhiannon and A find themselves miles apart. It was supposed to be easier, better for the both of them - Rhiannon had her relationship with Alexander and their love was real. A was his/her lone self in a different body every day, trying to not leave a mark in his/her wake but not entirely succeeding. And there was also Nathan, the link between Rhiannon and A. His story lured Reverend Poole and from that point on things were not the same, except for A and Poole.
Once in the know, Rhiannon cannot forget A and neither can A forget her. But with the knowledge that there are others like A and not necessarily as good as he/she is, the danger lurks nearer than they expect. Nathan meets the new face of Reverend Poole and he and Rhiannon have to find A.
Reading, we meet again with the lovely characters and alongside them we discover some of the answers that were a mystery until then. A soul like A's is not singular but each one of these entities live the life that they see fit for themselves, unbeknownst to them that the stranger they pass, could be like them. In a city full of possibilities, the now reunited pair - Rhiannon and A - fight for truth while saving a boy from an uninvited soul. Finally they find their rhythm, their friends and loves and as it is, life goes on.
Interesting as always, the story concludes nicely and between some suspense, the action is satisfying. Gifted with a sweet plot, this final book also leaves you questioning but full of hope and rosy feelings.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

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