Sneak a peek "The Boy On The Bridge" - M. R. Carey

Once upon a time, in a land blighted by terror, there was a very clever boy.

The people thought the boy could save them, so they opened their gates and sent him out into the world.

To where the monsters lived.

“The boy on the bridge” is the perfect sibling – the prequel – for “The girl with all the gifts”. With the action placed 20 years before the story showed in “The girls with all the gifts”, the reader journeys the world of the hungries and the incipient discoveries of the pathogen and possible cure. Stephen Greaves is an exceptionally smart boy and joins the team of researchers bound to leave Beacon and ride along England collecting specimens and information about the hungries. His discoveries and cleverness pave the road of what comes next – a new generation, a new world.
⭐⭐⭐✰ (3,5/5)
Melanie este o fata foarte speciala. Dr. Caldwell o numeste „micul nostru geniu“.

In fiecare dimineata, Melanie asteapta cuminte in propria celula sa fie luata si dusa la clasa ei. Atunci cand Sergentul Parks vine dupa ea, arma lui este intotdeauna incarcata si indreptata spre ea cat timp doi dintre oamenii lui o imobilizeaza intr-un scaun special. Ea nu crede ca oamenii o plac prea mult. Glumeste cu ei ca nu ii musca, dar ei nu rad deloc.

Melanie iubeste scoala. Adora sa invete despre adunari si silabe si despre lumea care exista in afara clasei si a celulelor in care traiesc copiii. Cateodata ea ii povesteste invatatoarei favorite toate visurile pe care le are pentru cand va creste mare si va explora lumea. Melanie nu stie de ce asta o intristeaza atat de mult pe domnisoara Justineau.
(Editura Nemira)

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