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"The wife between us" surprinde printr-o actiune foarte bine structurata, personaje pline de mister si o poveste ce te tine in suspans cu fiecare capitol.
Nellie are 27 ani, o invatatoare ce isi iubeste elevii si doreste sa isi gaseasca drumul in New York, fugind de trecutul sumbru, pe care incearca sa il lase in Florida. Logodnicul ei, Richard, pare iubitul perfect si partenerul cu care poate incepe o viata frumoasa. Chiar daca nu stie foarte multe despre fosta lui sotie si relatie, Nellie se simte in singuranta si fericita, dar la scurt timp dupa anuntarea logodnei, cateva apeluri necunoscute si intamplari stranii o fac sa se teama ca trecutul inca o urmareste. Cineva o are in priviri si ii stie orice miscare.
In cei 7 ani de mariaj, Vanessa si Richard au trecut prin multe: iubire, fericire, tristete, dezamagiri, durere si tradare. Vanessa a renuntat la tot pentru un viitor si o famile alaturi de Richard, racindu-si relatiile cu prietenii si rudele, devotandu-se casniciei, incercand sa fie sotia perfecta. Cand relatia lor ia o turnura neasteptata, Vanessa pune la indoiala tot ce a trait alaturi de sotul ei. Acum Richard a parasit-o pentru o femeie mai tanara, dar trebuie sa infrunte realitatea si sa lupte, caci in fiecare casnicie sunt doua parti ale adevarului, iar ea nu este pe deplin nevinovata.
Trecutul i-a umbrit realitatea, frica a facut-o putin paranoica, dragostea a izolat-o de familie, insa acum i-a dezvaluit tacticile si o sa evadeze, dar nu inainte sa il demaste. Era tanara si naiva, a crezut ca si-a gasit Printul, persoana care ii va fi mereu aproape, acolo sa o consoleze, care stie totul despre ea, dar acum vede adevarul, il vede pe omul bolnav care i-a stat mereu pe urme si nu il va lasa sa faca si viata altora un cosmar.
Cartea este impartita in trei parti, lasand impresia de trilogie, fiecare parte precum o carte in sinea ei, cu scenele de final o adevarata surpriza. In prima parte, povestea alterneaza intre prezentul Vanessei, lupta pe care o duce cu ea insasi dupa despartirea de sotul ei, si trecutul ei ca o tanara indragostita, ce vede totul intr-o lumina roz. In partea a doua descoperim mai multe despre trecutul Vanessei, momentele care au marcat-o in facultate si care o vor urmari in New York, viata ei alaturi de Richard, experiente care o fac sa isi piarda simtul de sine si sa se indoiasca de gandurile ei. Odata ce reuseste sa scape de manipularile sotului ei, Vanessa isi da seama ca planurile ei, desi indeplinite cu succes, au mers mai departe decat se astepta, iar in partea a treia ea incearca sa indrepte lucrurile.
Vanessa este un personaj complex, nu ii poti preconiza in inceputul cartii actiunile si trebuie sa traiesti odata cu ea povestea pentru a o descoperi. Este o femeie puternica, ce face multe sacrificii si trece prin momente grele, este desteapta si foarte sireata.
O carte a carei recenzii mi-a luat ceva timp sa ii gasesc cea mai potrivita varianta, fara a dezvalui toate secretele, dar care sa incite. Este un thriller plin de mister, suspans, cu multe elemente surprinzatoare. Povestea sare de la trecut la prezent, impletind ce a fost, cu ce este si ce se va intampla. O carte care te tine pe jar, ce nu ii poti ghici continuarea, care te arunca de la o stare la alta, pe care o poti intelege doar citind-o, o descriere fara a divulga toata actiunea nu ii face merit. Prima care de 5 ⭐ pe acest an, pe care nu am putut-o lasa din mana pana nu am terminat-o, o poveste care te tine captivat.
Cartea se gaseste pentru comanda pe site-ul Carturesti
"The woman before . . .
Vanessa and Richard fell deeply in love and were married for seven years - until he left her for another woman, someone younger and more desirable. She now spends her days immersed in painful memories, trying to decipher how it all went so wrong. Of course, she isn’t blameless - she was never the woman Richard thought she was.
. . . the woman after
Nellie is engaged to the man of her dreams. Caring, charismatic and accomplished, Richard provides her with the security she has always craved. But as their wedding draws closer, she can’t shake the sense that someone is watching her. That someone is following her wherever she goes.
The wife in between . . .
No one knows the truth about what really happens within a marriage, even a seemingly happy one. But Vanessa is certain of one thing: She will do whatever it takes to stop Richard’s wedding before it’s too late . . ."
Vanessa and Richard fell deeply in love and were married for seven years - until he left her for another woman, someone younger and more desirable. She now spends her days immersed in painful memories, trying to decipher how it all went so wrong. Of course, she isn’t blameless - she was never the woman Richard thought she was.
. . . the woman after
Nellie is engaged to the man of her dreams. Caring, charismatic and accomplished, Richard provides her with the security she has always craved. But as their wedding draws closer, she can’t shake the sense that someone is watching her. That someone is following her wherever she goes.
The wife in between . . .
No one knows the truth about what really happens within a marriage, even a seemingly happy one. But Vanessa is certain of one thing: She will do whatever it takes to stop Richard’s wedding before it’s too late . . ."

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“The wife between us” by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen surprises the reader with its good structured action, characters full of mystery and a story that keeps you guessing and unprepared with each chapter. The book is divided into three parts, leaving the feel of a trilogy, each part ending with a boom of bewilderment.
Nellie is a twenty-seven year old preschool teacher, who hopes to find herself in New York City. She is shadowed by her past and her fears, which she tries to escape and leave behind in Florida. Her fiancé Richard seems the perfect lover and partner to help her start anew, with a bright future ahead. Even if she doesn’t know much about his former wife, Nellie feels like she finally found her safety and happiness within their relationship, but soon after their engagement some mysterious phone calls start to bring old fears back. Someone is watching her and knows every step she is taking.
In their seven year marriage, Vanessa and Richard had it all: love, happiness, sadness, disappointment, hurt, betrayal. Vanessa relinquished everything to have a future and a family with Richard, losing touch with her friends and relatives, devoting her time to be a perfect wife. But when their marriage starts to take a downturn Vanessa questions her reality. Now Richard has left her for a younger woman and she must open her eyes and mend her life, but there are always two parts of the truth in a marriage and she is not blameless.
Her past blinded her of reality, her fears made her feel paranoid, her love secluded her from family, so her revelations impel her to escape and unmask him. She was young and naïve, she thought she found her Prince, he was always there for her, knowing how to console her, knowing everything about her, but now she sees the truth, the sick man that he is and she will not let him ruin another’s life.
Vanessa is a complicated character, you don’t know in the beginning what her story is going to disclose and how it will come to end. She is a strong woman, sacrificing herself and enduring hard moments, she is smart and conniving. In the first part of the book, her story alternates between her present, her struggle with life after her husband left her, and her younger self, an enamored woman who sees life with rose colored glasses. Part two reveals more about Vanessa’s past, her college experiences and traumas that will follow her to New York, her life as a married woman with Richard, all the hardships which make her lose herself and set up her doubts. Her wish to escape Richard’s manipulations is hard achieved; in the conclusive part of the book, Vanessa’s plans, although successful, take a turn which she didn’t predict and now she must make it right.
The book presents the story as what was, what has been, what is and what is happening, not in this order precisely. It is a thriller full of twists, flashbacks, ghosts of characters’ past and great suspense.
“The wife between us” is my 5 stars book since the beginning of this year. I am a picky reader and my ratings are rarely so good. An extraordinary book, in my opinion, brimming with mystery, scenes that keep you enthralled.
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